Walnut Dining Table, 'Foal'

Affordable luxury from Heliconia Furniture.  This narrow refectory table in walnut has a long bevelled edged top supported by delicate profiled legs.  Originally designed with a clients small living room in mind, the style of the table is inspired by the gait of running horses and the pedestrian Motorway bridges.

Available to buy on Etsy

Source: https://www.google.co.uk/_/chrome/newtab?rlz=1C1CAFA_enGB647GB647&espv=2&ie=UTF-8

Walnut Dining Table, 'Foal'

Affordable luxury from Heliconia Furniture.  This narrow refectory table in walnut has a long bevelled edged top supported by delicate profiled legs.  Originally designed with a clients small living room in mind, the style of the table is inspired by the gait of running horses and the pedestrian Motorway bridges.

Available to buy on Etsy

Source: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?ll=51.483347095838255%2C-0.05395499999997355&spn=0.005913%2C0.016512&msa=0&iwloc=0004c7dc33236369c336d&mid=1zC6cu99Agh8dOdFzAyfHoXx10dA&z=16