Laminated curve on the doors internal frame completed for #drinkscabinet in walnut and steel
#Occasionaltable in #LondonPlane #Lacewood on display at the #ecobuild2018 next week
Occasional table in London Plane Lacewood designed and made at Heliconia Furniture
#british #hardwoods samples bound and ready for #Ecobuild2018 #wood #bespokefurniture #handmade
#british #hardwoodssamples bound and ready for #Ecobuild2018#wood #bespokefurniture #handmade
#Occasionaltable in #LondonPlane #Lacewood on display at the #ecobuild2018 next week
Coffee table in London Plane Lacewood designed and made at Heliconia Furniture
#British #Hardwoods ready for #wastezone #Ecobuild2018 at the #Excelcentre all next week.
Samples of British Hardwoods in all their unfinished glory ready for Ecobuild 2018 at the Excel centre all next week.